Economy and market

In this section users may access data and information describing productive and economic results related to agro-food and fishery.
By clicking on the right menu the following options will be available:

Latest news and updates: concerning agriculture, the food-processing industry, fishery and aquaculture in the Veneto region; results derived from market research and economic analysis, including documents in PDF format;
Newsletter: or informative reports pertaining to agro-food in the Veneto region;
Publications: produced by Veneto Agricoltura related to the agricultural world.

Furthermore, by clicking on the left menu, under the heading “DataBases”, users may consult the Economic Observatory database which contains a history of prices from 1998 to 2008 related to the agricultural products in Padua, Bologna and the Milan Stock Exchange List as well as the grains and soya bean prices quoted on the Verona, Vicenza, Treviso, Venice and Rovigo Stock Exchange.

For further information please contact:
Settore Studi Economici
Tel. 049/8293850