BIOFITO Project – Treating livestock waste with integrated technological systems to reduce nutrient loads – FINAL SUMMARY

BIOFITO Project – Treating livestock waste with integrated technological systems to reduce nutrient loads – FINAL SUMMARY

L.Furlan, D.Bolzonella, G.Ruol Ruzzini |2016|on line|

copertina  Objectives
The three-year project, which began in 2013, involved studies and experiments to promote technological innovation and agronomy in agriculture with the aim of reducing the release of nutrients into the Venice Lagoon Drainage Basin. The specific objectives of the BIOFITO project were to implement technologies to recover and divert nutrients contained in digestate from livestock effluents, thereby diminishing their impact on the Venice Lagoon Drainage Basin, and to verify, though tests in the field, the agricultural efficacy of utilizing the recovered

This final summary deals with poject aim, actions and final results.

  Further information
Veneto Agricoltura – Agricultural Research Department – viale dell’Università 14, Legnaro (Pd)
tel. 049.8293912 – e-mail:


BIOFITO PROJECT – a project funded by Veneto Regional Council Decision No. 2580 of 6/8/2004, project profile C5.1.5
“Managing agricultural practices: promoting eco-friendly environmental innovation in agriculture in the Venice Lagoon Drainage Basin”