FATA Project – Phytoremediation of water to remove nitrogen – FINAL REPORT

FATA Project – Phytoremediation of water to remove nitrogen – FINAL REPORT

Various authors|2016|on line|

copertina  Objectives
The objective of the three-year FATA project, which started in 2013, was to compare the nitrogen removal performance of different types of free surface fl ow phytoremediation areas, with the goal of delineating guidelines that can be applied to other farms in the Venice Lagoon Drainage Basin. With this purpose in mind, phytoremediation areas having different design and management characteristics were created:
• a retention basin for inflowing water for sedimentation of suspended solids;
• basins having different types of vegetation that act as biological filters, with varying ratios of planted surfaces to open water;
• a drainage channel with floating phytoremediation platforms.
The water flowing into and out of the system was monitored, taking samples to determine the nitrogen concentration and monitor any decreases. In addition, initial and final analyses of soil characteristics were performed and the vegetation was surveyed periodically.

This final summary deals with poject aim, actions and final results.

  Further information
Veneto Agricoltura – Agricultural Research Department – viale dell’Università 14, Legnaro (Pd)
tel. 049.8293912 – e-mail: fata@venetoagricoltura.org


FATA PROJECT – a project funded by Veneto Regional Council Decision No. 2580 of 6/8/2004, project profi le C5.1.5
“Managing agricultural practices: promoting eco-friendly environmental innovation in agriculture in the Venice Lagoon Drainage Basin”