The Veneto area offers a variety of natural environments which have to be preserved and protected.
Veneto Agricoltura works in order that economic benefits, environmental protection and  respect for nature play an important part in the implementation of programs for the sustainable management of its territories. It is the administrator for the following forest areas:
Province of Belluno: Cansiglio, Sinistra Piave, Malgonera, Piangrande, Valmontina
Provinces of Verona and Vicenza: Monte Baldo, Val d’Adige, Giazza
Province of Venezia: Bosco Nordio (Chioggia, VE), the laggon area of Vallevecchia situated between Caorle and Bibione
Province of Rovigo: Riserva Bocche di Po, Oasi Cà Mello
In these areas forests are replenished, flora and fauna monitored, soil conditions and pollution checked. In addition we are responsible for the pathways and parking areas which provide visitors with easy access to areas of natural beauty, encouraging educational visits and tourism. Land planning is the key tool that Veneto Agricoltura employs to preserve the complexity of plant and animal biodiversity and to promote the development of protected areas and agricultural activities.
Ninety percent of the forest area managed by Veneto Agricoltura on behalf of the Veneto Region, together with the Riserva di Campobrun, granted by the Province of Trento, represents Sites of Community Importance (SCI) and Special Protected Areas (SPA) forming the Natura 2000 network.
For further information please consult sections “Subjects” and “Projects”.